I was involved in the music/sound again. Here are a few pictures I took throughout the day.
It started with a warm up. About 500 people warming up before embarking on a 24 walking relay, comprised of 27 teams.
By 6 o'clock, I was shattered, and managed to get a short break and tea with the kids.
In the evening, there was a very moving Candle of Hope ceremony during which everybody walked round the course lit just by candles in memory of somebody who has suffered from cancer.
Following this, there were a number of bands. Combine Skavester did some excellent cover versions, including a ska version of Poker Face.
On Sunday, Christ Church (Smeeton), St Wilfrid's (Kibworth) and the Kibworth Methodist Church all closed their doors and joined together for an open air service at the Relay for Life.