Last year, for Lent, I followed the Love Life Live Lent campaign from the Church of England. Each day they gave a suggestion for something to do. I must admit, that I do not remember what most of them were - although one stuck - giving blood - which I have now done three times in the last year. You can read about my first first exploits of giving blood
But I am trying to work out what to give up, or do, for Lent this year. I have thought about giving up technology - but not only do I think I would find that very (too) hard, work may have something to say about it. Infact, it would partly become 'giving up work' for Lent, which is not really a sarfice, unless the salary went as well.
Previously I have also followed
The Carbon Fast - Tearfund will email you, and post a recommendation, each day on
twitter, with an action that you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. It is a great thing to do, but again I feel that it would be cheating to simply do what I have done before (although I think I will follow it, to check that I am still doing what I promised to do).
And of course, the 24/7 Prayer is back in Kibworth. Last year, it ran from the building that has become The Well. If you went, you will remember a building that certaintly felt less than fully ready. Walls were not plastered, electric sockets were at jaunty angles and there were signs up of where you could and could not go. There were some great pictures and messages left on the walls (see
here for some of them). This year, of course, The Well, is up and running. The cahristy shop is open weekdays and weekends, courses and drop in sessions run for all ages and the tea room serves hot and cold drinks. I suspect, therefore, that the 24/7 Prayer will be very different, and the organisers have arranged some activities - see The Well for details.
In Leicester, +Tim is doing a series of 40 minute lectures in the Cathedral, followed by questions and coffee. Each one starts at 7.00pm
24 February: How will Christianity change in the New Millennium?
3 March: How do we teach values to our children?
10 March: Should politicians do God?
17 March: What price should we pay for our planet?
24 March: Is Jesus unique?
Unfortunately, being on Wednesday's, they clash with my course, so I can not attend these.
There are some interesting resources. I might keep an eye on Churches Together in England and Ireland - see Maybe I will add this Lent course to my plan?
So, on Shrove Tuesday, I am still thinking about what to do/not do for Lent.