Today I went with some of my new friends (from St Nicholas, Fleckney) to spend a few hours in quiet at the Community of the Holy Cross in Rempstone, north Leicestershire. (
click here for more details of the the community).
It was a wonderful day, in a beautiful place that is well served by prayer. And if you ever get the chance to spend some time there, I would suggest you take that opportunity.
But what I really wanted to write about was something specific that happened to me today.
Fr. Colin gave the first talk. It was all about the importance of prayer - it told me nothing I did not know, but it was all a good reminder of what we should be doing. During this talk I felt the presence of the Spirit settle on me very strongly. At the end 0f the talk, people started to get up and leave - we were, after all, in a dull room and the sun was shining brightly outside on the wonderful gardens. But I could not move, and remained in the same seat for some considerable time.
I stayed in prayer and remember some turmoil in my thoughts - although I no longer remember whatsoever it was I was reflecting on. Over time I drifted - maybe I fell asleep, I don't know, but I remember this turmoil continuing.
And then I came round. Not with a jolt, but I was aware that something had gone. Something was (and still is) missing. I felt calm - and almost excited - about it. Like a weight having been lifted. I tried then to reflect on what it was that had changed - what had gone, but I could not remember what my mind had been reflecting on. I could remember the turmoil, but not the cause or focus of it.
In fact, there was just a sense that something had been lifted.
Even now, I do not k now what it was, but whatever it was, it has gone and been taken. I feel lighter and better just knowing that. Thank you God.
(By the way, the rest of the day was fantastic. Greatly relaxing, wonderful company and fellowship. But this lifting of something was the high point for me).
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